What does Acupuncture feel like?

Sometimes you will feel nothing & other times a slight pinch or prick as acupuncture needles first go in, as if someone is gently pinching your skin. If you are comfortable with me stimulating the needles, you may then experience a numb, tingly or dull ache sensation followed by a sense of deep relaxation. Many patients will even fall asleep during their session!

Is Acupuncture safe during pregnancy?

Yes! Absolutely, an experienced acupuncturist knows exactly which acupuncture points are safe during pregnancy. It is very common for women to be receiving Acupuncture when they conceive and to find relief with their early pregnancy symptoms. Acupuncture is a wonderful tool to help with pregnancy aches & pains through all trimesters, as well as many other things. Then as your estimated due date gets closer, Acupuncture can be used to prepare your body & mind for labour & birth.

Is Acupuncture effective in inducing labour?

My belief is that if you go in to labour shortly after an Acupuncture session, your body & baby were very close to being ready anyway! So was Acupuncture the thing that nudged labour in to action…perhaps. Acupuncture can help you drop in to your parasympathetic nervous system which is where you want to be for your labour hormones to flow. But I do not believe that anything can truly force your labour to begin before your body & baby are ready, as even medical Inductions can be unsuccessful & lead to a caesarean section. With that said, Acupuncture has many benefits to help prepare your body & mind for birth so ‘Birth Preparation Acupuncture’ sessions are still my most popular!

What is a Doula?

A Doula is a companion, guide & confidant, who offers emotional support, birth education & comfort measures during pregnancy, birth & postpartum. As your Doula, I work for you & your partner directly, not for your caregiver or hospital. My goal as your Doula is to be completely present for you & your birth experience- physically, emotionally and energetically.

My partner is worried that their role will be replaced if we hire a Doula?

This is so common, but could not be further from the truth! I am here to support both of you, and by welcoming me into your birth team, your partner will have even more time & space to be present with you during labour. It is often a great relief for partner’s to have a Doula present- physically we are an extra set of hands, mentally there is much less they will need to remember, and emotionally there is the reassurance & guidance from someone they know & trust when you are deep in labour land.

Can you make decisions on my behalf?

No, I do not make decisions for you. But I will help you get the information you need to make your own informed decisions. Also, if the need arises, I can help advocate for you & your partner. I always seek to promote communication among all members of your birthing team.

Are you a midwife too?

No. Although maybe in a past life ;) But seriously, no, I am not medically trained to assist women in childbirth like a midwife so I do not perform medical tasks, such as blood pressure checks, fetal heart checks or vaginal exams, etc. I also do not catch/deliver babies! This is the role of your midwife, obstetrician, partner or even yourself if this is your wish!

Do you have a specific question that I haven’t answered above?