
I’m Sarah

And I am here to create a safe, healing space for you as you navigate your fertility, pregnancy &/or birth journey.

Trust in your power

My calling in life is to remind you of your power and of all the magic you hold within yourself to conceive, grow and birth your baby. We are perfectly designed for this incredible experience, but that doesn’t mean it will always be easy.

With so much information & advice out there, it can quickly feel overwhelming. We can get caught up trying to learn & rationalise the process, to figure out why something isn’t happening as we’d expected.

But here often lies the key; we are not designed to conceive & birth in our heads. We must listen to the intuitive whispers of our body and surrender to the magic at play. I am here to guide you through all of this and to reconnect you with your body’s innate wisdom. Reminding you to trust yourself & your intuition, to marvel at your body as it moves through these big changes and helping you to heal yourself on all levels- physical, mental, emotional, energetic & spiritual.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift”


  • Herbalist (TCM)

    Traditional Chinese Medicine for Women during all life phases - menstrual health, fertility & menopause 🦋

  • Acupuncturist

    With a focus on natural fertility/IVF support, pregnancy & birth preparation ✨

  • Doula + Energetic Birthworker

    I am here to guide you back to yourself, to trust your inner knowing as you navigate the challenges & magic of pregnancy, birth & motherhood 🌸

  • Human Design Analyst

    6/2 Manifesting Generator with Sacral Authority 💫

    I weave human design into all my work & plan to offer readings soon!

Where you can find me

I have a beautiful clinic space set up at my home in Ocean Reef, for Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture sessions, and I also offer home visits (within a 15km radius). For my Doula mums, I will visit you at home no matter where you live in the Perth metro.